李刚的面馆位于郑州西郊一个偏僻的小巷,记者一路找过去摸不准该在哪下车, 的哥 短暂沉默后恍然大悟,扭头问: 你们是去吃面的吧?我知道地方。 几天来,他已经拉了不少去吃面的乘客。看记者手忙脚乱找零钱, 的哥 一脸好商量的样子: 还怪有爱心哩,差5角就算了 。
First, the government says that the project will generate (V.) revenues of 80 million yuan a year. However, in my opinion, it will ruin the character of Xiamen, a beautiful garden city, especially the city’s largest tourist attraction Gulangyu. Although it will bring us industry and jobs, nobody wants to live in a dangerous, industrial city.